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Bruderer TechXpo 2024 Logo

Driving Customers to The Event of the Year

Bruderer, a manufacturer of stamping presses and peripheral products, came to us to brand and promote their on-site event, previously titled Technology Days. Our mandate was to drive 100+ attendees and their company members to the trade show through a strategic marketing campaign that included both digital and traditional marketing.

The Solution

After renaming the event and developing a brand strategy that included designing a logo lockup and accompanying messaging, we targeted the customer base through a combination of email marketing, publication outreach, social media marketing and print advertising. In addition to that, we populated the event with a custom animated video and posters. Thanks to our marketing efforts, the event was well attended and allowed Bruderer to introduce their product line, along with a series of new products that made a splash.

The Result

Our meticulously crafted marketing campaign delivered the goods, driving over 170 attendees to the show, resulting in numerous new sales for Bruderer.

Event branding

RSVP landing page

Automated email confirmations

Database management

Programmatic digital banners

Dedicated & internal email blasts

Sponsored social media ads

Print advertising

Internal website promotion

Event management

Internal event video & signage

Industry publication video interview

TechXpo 2024 Registrants


AVG Open Rate

For Promotional Emails



Average LinkedIn CTR


*Industry Average: 400


AVG Open Rate

For Promotional Emails



Average LinkedIn CTR

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