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ATI of NY Tomorrow's Energy Today Logo

Creating a Successful Webinar that Exceeds Expectations

ATI, a successful dealer and expert in commercial and industrial heating systems, wanted to co-sponsor a discussion on alternate fuel options, a subject that has been front and center in the industry. While the firm had a stellar reputation in its space in the NY metropolitan area, they hoped to expand their base of influence beyond those who already knew them.

The Solution

In addition to marketing the webinar through a relationship with Engineered Systems magazine, we reached out to ATI’s customer base through digital and email marketing within a radius around Long Island and New City. Our email drip campaign proved successful at bringing in their most targeted customers and potential customers to the webinar.

The Results

After a 3 month promotional schedule which included eBlasts, social media marketing, Public Relations and a big push through Engineered Systems we succeeded in producing one of the most successful webinars the publication has seen. The numbers speak for themselves, and this initial effort has ensured ATI with a base of support for future webinars and potential clients beyond the event.

Event branding

RSVP landing page

Automated email confirmations

Database management

Programmatic digital banners

Dedicated & internal email blasts

Sponsored social media ads

Internal website promotion

Event management


*Industry Average: 400


Attendance Rate

*Industry Average: 30%

AVG View Time

*96% Completion Rate


*Industry Average: 400


Attendance Rate

*Industry Average: 30%

AVG View Time

*96% Completion Rate

…and the story continues

After the successful live event, we made the recorded webinar a permanent fixture on ATI’s website, drawing in even more leads. We continue to successfully market the webinar through an email drip campaign.

ATI of NY Tomorrow's Energy Today Home Banner

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