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Monroe College

Putting Monroe College on the New York City map

Monroe College needed a new, more targeted approach to grow stronger applicant pools. After studying their current campaign, we determined that they needed to scale back on older, less measurable media, and make the move to a more intricate digital tracking matrix, targeting demographics, student types, degree interests, prior education and more. We supplemented traditional marketing tactics with digital tools such as banners, keyword search, social media content and mobile advertising.

As a result, Monroe’s student body has continued to increase with a more efficient cost per enrollment and the student body has become more diversified, with recruits from over 35 countries. Washington Monthly Magazine recently named Monroe’s dynamic graduate school as one of the “Top 100 Master’s Universities in the U.S.”

Keeping commercials a “Part of It”

Digital ads that told Monroe’s story… and discovered theirs

Monroe College digital ads mockup

Higher education ads with high production value

Monroe College print ads

On-the-mark messaging for an on-the-go audience

Monroe College subway print ad

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