Part 2: How to Stay in Business for 25 Years (25 Tips)
Over the next five weeks I will be blogging about how we stayed in business for 25 years. Each week will have five brief hints about how we did it –for a total of 25 hints for 25 years!
Charlie MacLeod
SMM Advertising
6. Keep your ego home. Don’t confuse you with your company. There is nothing wrong with feeling proud – in fact, it’s healthy. But remember you are running a business and your actions should always reflect that.
7. Take only what the business can afford. The business will be good to you if you are good to it. Don’t drain your accounts for your benefit only, and never spend more than what you anticipate coming into the business.
8. Button up. Remember, you are running a business, not a social event. Have rules, procedures and protocol. Follow them as a positive example.
9. Never lose your cool. Nothing is wrong with feeling frustrated or disappointed about a business issue. But never blow up. Never.
10. Do more than what’s expected. Always ask yourself and employees to give more to the customer than what may be expected. It is a great brand characteristic for your company.
1. Be nice. The outward respect and kindness you bestow on your staff, clients and suppliers will often return to you in the form of loyalty and flexibility. Expect that from the people who work for you.
2. Stay focused. You are on a mission. Put your attention towards the exact activities needed to survive and meet your goals.
3. Produce cash. Cash keeps your business moving each day. You must think about where next month’s payroll and rent will be coming from.
4. Worry about the right things. Obsessive worrying can be terribly unproductive, but concerning yourself with the appropriate issues – such as employees, productivity and business development – is essential.
5. Partner. There will be plenty of times you’ll need a shoulder for advice and help. Share the rewards and tough times with a trusted partner. Someone who compliments what you do – a person you won’t feel is insulting you when they tell you that you are messing something up.
Good luck with your business –see you next week with hints 11-15!