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Educational messaging begins with MORE understanding

Understanding your audience. Why is the applicant considering you? What stage of life are they in?

Stony Brook University had a large population of adult learners seeking professional career training, but applicants faced a confusing mix of inter-collegiate courses and programs. To solve this, we created the Center for Corporate Education, allowing prospects to find the courses they wanted all in one place.

St. George’s University needed to address misconceptions about what a Caribbean medical and veterinary school was really like. We created videos and customized digital assets that showcased “A Day in the Life” of over 12 different types of SGU students.

The old model of casting a wide net and praying for applications no longer works. Today your marketing needs to funnel prospects down with targeted creative, so you can speak directly to their career motivations.

Our education work

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University

Monroe College

Monroe College

St. George's University

St. George's University

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