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Line of office professionals on mobile devices
consumers on mobile devices

Recent studies show that people spend at least five hours each day on their cell phones and other devices—a 20 percent increase in usage from just two years ago.

In recent years, people have increased their mobile device use exponentially. But you only have to step outside to see that: Just about anywhere you go nowadays, it’s not that difficult to find at least one person doing something on their phone or tablet. In fact, recent studies show that people spend at least five hours each day on their cell phones and other devices—a 20 percent increase in usage from just two years ago.

That’s a lot of time spent on mobile devices—and a lot of opportunity for brands to connect with potential customers. By using the following tips, you can take advantage of the nationwide addiction to mobile and generate interest in your products and services.

Keep it simple. In mobile advertising, you only have so much real estate to work with, so you must use it wisely. Small screen space and short user attention spans mean you have to get your audience’s attention quickly and simply because you have a short window—only a few seconds—to hook them. To ensure your ad reaches as many people as possible, keep your message as simple as possible and avoid complex graphics that are difficult to load.

Leverage timing. Timing is everything when you’re trying to get your audience to act on your message. In order to create a sense of urgency among those who view your mobile ads, frame the messages around seasonal events to get people’s attention and bring them through your door.

Remember usability. You can have the most convincing message in the world, but it won’t make a difference if the person who reads it isn’t able to tap on the clickable area because there isn’t enough room for their fingers. Make sure that every element of your mobile ad keeps in mind that there’s an actual person on the other end who needs to be able to interact with it.

Include a phone number. If someone’s interest has been piqued through your ad, they may want to contact you immediately. You can make it a lot easier for potential customers to get in touch by including your phone number. That way, you’re just one click away from your prospects and one step closer to making a sale.

Make it shareable. People using their mobile phones love to share everything from photos of their lunch to their favorite new song to interesting news articles. Your advertisement can also be one of those things. Design your ad so that once you’ve hooked people with your message, they can easily click a button and share it on social media platforms.

With so many people spending large amounts of time on their mobile devices, advertising on this medium is now a must. By using these tips, you can capture your target audience’s attention, while making it easier for them to engage with your brand.

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