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Google homepage search

Google commercial displayed simple home pageThe Google commercial that ran during the Super Bowl is truly a keeper. Why? In advertising we try to create messaging that attracts attention. Google did that by displaying its ultra simple web page as the one and only visual to the spot. It was so simple and true to their product attributes. Because much of the Internet-connected Earth uses Google every day, it grabbed our attention…made us stop eating the wings and begin to wonder what message our favorite search engine will be  spending $3 million on. Once our attention was grabbed, we began to develop an interest because they used the oldest trick in the communications book…they told a story. Demonstrating clever use of using keywords to help us with the major milestones of our lives (dating, marriage, moving and children to name a few) showed the product’s benefits in a highly romantic and thoughtful story.. It held our interest…we didn’t want to watch much else. Simultaneously, it created a desire to use the product…to embrace it as a friend that helps with life choices. Advertising should also drive action – getting the targeted market to move ahead…start the buying process. If the amount of “buzz” and mentions in the various advertising columns the day after are any sign of action, then we must believe that Google’s spot is creating action. Attention, interest, desire and action…the key components of good advertising that Google did so well Sunday.

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