The Impact of Daylight Savings Time on Advertising
With daylight savings time just around the corner, thoughts turn to spring and the coming of summer. Shorts and swimsuits will soon be replacing sweaters and mittens. In the world of advertising, thoughts turn to seasonal marketing. You’ve probably noticed portable chairs and beach towels replacing windshield scrapers and thermal blankets at your local supermarket and marketing campaigns should change accordingly. Marketing is very much about reaching out to consumers during their time of need and addressing this need by providing exceptional services or products at competitive prices. Your target audience is changing their mindset as the days grow longer, and your marketing campaign should change as well.
Seasonal Changes
- Know what motivates your target audience in the months ahead and what channels they will be using. For instance, television takes a dramatic drop in viewing as the days grow longer, while radio, magazines and billboards note an increase in listening and viewing. People are in their cars more and lounging outdoors in cafes, by pools and in parks.
- Stay relevant—knowing how the seasons affect your audience in both consumer spending and emotional cues helps streamline and focus your advertising campaign. Spring brings with it thoughts of new beginnings and outdoor exercise routines replacing indoor spin class. Think rejuvenation, dusting off the cobwebs, spring cleaning and the promise of sun,laughter and outdoor barbeques. While your voice will remain the same, focusing on these external cues from your potential customers will dramatically change the message.
- Engage with your target audience. Winter tends to promote hibernation while spring brings open windows and increased communication. Follow this trend by making sure your messages on your social media outlets and your content is a driving force aligned with the promise of spring and upcoming trends.
Daylight savings has both a physical and emotional affect on people. Be sure that your marketing efforts take these important cues into consideration as the days grow longer.