Getting Started with Digital Marketing
Creating a sound plan for digital marketing isn’t hard, but it does call for some groundwork. That’s why, before growing your digital marketing efforts, you should make sure these elements are rock solid.
Brand Consistency
What exactly are you communicating to your current and potential clients? What do you want them to know about your brand? Your approach to digital marketing strategy development will be informed by the responses to these questions. It also aids in the selection of appropriate terms and phrases for your SEO. The digital design and content should be consistent across your digital channels, including your website, email, social platforms, and mobile apps.
Search Engine Marketing
It’s estimated that 90%+ of buyers will utilize a search engine to learn more about a brand or product. This is true for marketing to both consumers and businesses. As for purchases, 70% of people say they start with a search. Therefore, your digital marketing strategy should always include creating unique content for your website, social platforms, and digital assets.
Refining Your Content’s Performance
A website’s success depends on the quality and uniqueness of its content. Planning should include considerations for making your site’s content accessible on various mobile platforms and browsers. If your site is not optimized for mobile devices and does not have fresh, relevant information, Google will penalize you.
Social Media
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube allow you to have two-way conversations with your target audience. You want your customers engaged with your industry, business, and products. Because people use many channels to find information, social media presents a unique opportunity for marketers to interact with their target audiences. Learn to excel at two or three sites (such as Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.) and then use analytics to determine which produces the best results.
Track and Measure
The use of Google Analytics is something you should familiarize yourself with. You’ll learn many things, including where your visitors are coming from, your demographics (ages, genders, and countries of origin), and how they engage with your content and site.
In addition, if a conversion tool is implemented, ROI may be calculated, and a list of helpful search phrases used to reach your site can be obtained. When it comes to digital marketing, Google Analytics is a must-have tool.
These tools must become integral to your digital marketing strategy and be used regularly. It will take some time to get good at them, but the payoff in more leads, inquiries, and sales is well worth the effort.
Your plan for digital marketing must include these foundational activities in order for it to be successful. These activities should be examined on a regular basis by your team or by the digital marketing agency that you work with.
Call us at 631-265-5160 for a no-obligation consultation on how a high-quality online digital marketing approach can bolster your lead-generation efforts.